by jfox | Jul 17, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
The relaxed pace of summer offers a breather from the usual hustle. While we absolutely believe in taking a break, it’s also a good idea to start thinking about the fast-approaching fall fundraising rush. Help get your organization ready for when the air starts...
by jfox | Jul 3, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
The world has witnessed a digital transformation, and raffles are no exception. While online raffles are great in terms of sheer reach, they can’t replace the tangible excitement that comes with holding a printed raffle ticket. The good news is you don’t...
by jfox | May 23, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
ChatGPT is a terrific writing tool that saves time for nonprofits! It can help your team more efficiently complete tasks such as donor thank-you letters, fundraising event announcement emails, and social media content. However, if you’ve ever asked ChatGPT a...
by jfox | May 15, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
People everywhere are talking about artificial intelligence (AI). On social media and the news. At the dog park. On Zoom. At the farmer’s market. Even while in line at the market. The capabilities of AI are enough to make you think Blade Runner might be...
by jfox | Apr 27, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
Online raffles are an easy way for nonprofit organizations raise money. But merging in-person and virtual raffle fundraisers is where it’s at! Most of the thousands of raffles conducted using the Eventgroove fundraising platform are hybrid—that is, a...
by jfox | Apr 6, 2023 | Fundraising Blog
Live music and fundraising are a match made in heaven—everyone loves a good show when it benefits a great cause. Though not the go-to fundraisers for nonprofits, benefit concerts are a great way to raise money and get the word out about your nonprofit’s mission....
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