How to Host an Online Raffle and Win!

How to Host an Online Raffle and Win!

There’s a reason that so many nonprofit organizations employ in-person and virtual raffles to raise money for their cause—they’re the little black dress of fundraisers.  Whether you’re a coach raising funds for uniforms, a retail business supporting a local cause, or...
8 Winter Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Campaign Ideas

8 Winter Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Campaign Ideas

Now that the holiday season’s glittering lights are in the rearview, the winter doldrums are starting to creep in. People are drawn toward things that will brighten their spirits, make a positive impact, and be something fun to do. This is exactly why the back...
Great Raffle Prize Ideas That Sell Tickets

Great Raffle Prize Ideas That Sell Tickets

If you want to reach your fundraising goal, a raffle is the way to go. That said, whether your raffle is part of a greater fundraising event or a standalone fundraiser, it’s easier to sell raffle tickets online or in person when you have good raffle prizes.  Therein...
How to Use QR Codes to Cook Up a Great Fundraiser

How to Use QR Codes to Cook Up a Great Fundraiser

Imagine merging a traditional food sale with the simplicity of today’s tech. Enter QR codes, your handy tool that turns supporters’ smartphones into gateways for instant fundraiser engagement. Maximizing Fundraising Potential with QR Codes and Food Sales...